

How Augmented Reality is Changing the Driving Experience in 2020

How Augmented Reality is Changing the Driving Experience in 2020

What if you could view your car’s entire spec profile without looking down at the dash? Augmented reality is sweeping across the tech sphere in 2020, specifically within the auto industry. The growth of this innovative technology has made it possible for manufacturers to ensure a safer and smoother ride, every time you get behind the wheel. A quick glance to the dash or side mirror can put any driver (and anyone else on the road) at risk. Augmented reality technology has the potential to improve safety, efficiency, and overall ease-of-use in vehicles from a variety of car brands. Take a look at some of the ways AR is transforming the auto industry in 2020. WHAT IS AUGMENTED REALITY? To really understand how AR is changing the automotive scene, it’s important to understand what falls under the Augmented Reality umbrella. AR is more than a way to immerse yourself into a video game or piece of media. Augmented Reality is a technological development that is completely changing the way we interact with the world around us. Essentially, AR superimposes digital information in the form of graphics, images or text over our standard first-person view. This is made possible through wearable tech, such as glasses or goggles, or via projection. While some wearable tech gives us more access to our digital lives, AR provides the user with full immersion that isn’t accessible from a phone or smartwatch. This way, you’re accessing your digital and organic information simultaneously in real time. However, unlike Virtual Reality, the purpose of Augmented Reality isn’t to replace the information that’s being processed by the user. Instead of creating a completely separate digital world, AR allows people to merge both worlds. AUGMENTED REALITY BENEFITS FOR DRIVERS Instead of glancing at their phone or around the car for important information, the driver can have a full view of everything they need without even turning their head. This has the potential to improve safety and innovation across an entire industry. For example, augmented reality can allow drivers to get better blind-spot visibility by actively showing a video feed of any obstructions in the rearview mirror In addition, AR and VR are helping buyers make more informed decisions about their auto purchase. Some benefits include: Improved showroom shopping experience Increased safety systems Stronger performance Simplified maintenance updates and Not only is AR helping car brands create better products for a lower cost, but it’s making every ride safer for those behind the wheel. Some basic features that are making cars safer include: Projected dashboard stats within the driver’s natural line of sight Immersive, safe navigation and clearly visible driving directions Improved focus and visibility Real-time localization Peripheral text and updates out of main view Defensive driving is even more effective when the driver is able to see warnings for road hazards and collisions ahead of time. By viewing driving updates and directions in their unobstructed line of sight, drivers are able to multitask without even realizing it. While most states prohibit the use of handsets while driving, even popular hands-free devices can be cumbersome and distracting. This makes the most basic tasks, like using a GPS app, dangerous. Anything that takes a driver’s attention off the road can be the cause of a life-changing (or life-ending) crash. With standard technology, the driver is required to take their attention off the road to effectively use the device. A handheld GPS or mobile phone can only provide so much information with audio, but heads up displays (HUD) allow drivers to look at directions, maps, or even traffic updates without taking their eyes off the road. Eliminating extra distractions by giving drivers a full view of everything they need for the drive can save countless lives on the road. AR is becoming an industry standard, and safety is one the primary benefits. [] HOW IS AR AFFECTING THE AUTO MARKET? Augmented Reality has been utilized by a few well-known auto brands for years, but it’s a growing staple in the industry. Think about how much smoother your next road trip would be if you had as much control as your co-pilot? AR improves the entire experience for both drivers and passengers by allowing everyone to see vital information such as MPH, directions, nearby services, audio settings, and auto performance stats via an integrated HUD visual display. This trend began in the luxury market, but AR is becoming a standard feature for popular mainstream manufacturers like Mazda, Toyota and MINI. Not only is it being incorporated in the vehicles themselves, but car companies are using AR to improve the entire manufacturing process. Buyers no longer need to magically envision themselves in the car of their dreams. Now, they can literally “try on” a potential purchase without even leaving the showroom. [] HOW WILL AUGMENTED REALITY AFFECT THE SELF-DRIVING INDUSTRY? Self-driving cars are another product that technology has brought to the mainstream market, but AR is adding another layer of safety and functionality to this already innovative industry. Autonomous vehicles use AI, sensors, and other technological developments to safely drive without human intervention. By responding to visual and tactile stimulus, these cars are able to navigate through lanes of traffic in real time. AR creates the perfect testing environment for these vehicles before they hit the market. Using visual media, testing specialists can create a completely digital virtual environment that mimics actual roads and city infrastructure. Augmented Reality also creates the perfect environment to test how these vehicles could interact with other cars and traffic elements in real time. Using digitally superimposed objects, AR testing specialists can test vehicles without always relying on practical props and collision units. They can also create more realistic scenarios without operating on public roads, adding another layer of protection before each model hits the mass market. As more and more models are popping up on the road, this increases each “driver’s” ability to accurately respond to anything that’s thrown their way. By building a virtual world to test out real-world scenarios, AR is making self-driving cars safer before they’re even released to the public. AUGMENTED REALITY IN THE MAINSTREAM AUTO MARKET How is AR transforming cars on nearly every car lot across the country? No matter your budget or lifestyle, Augmented Reality is becoming a standard feature for more manufacturers than ever in 2020. AR is quickly replacing standard GPS and audio systems in even standard base models, improving in-vehicle navigation AND entertainment for everyone in the car. Projecting the navigation details in clear, unobstructed view takes the stress out of getting from Point A to Point B. Drivers no longer need to rely on their co-pilot to signal every turn in time, and they don’t have to deal with the safety risk of using a handheld system. It doesn’t matter if you’re driving a compact coup or a luxury full-size vehicle, AR can create a fully immersive experience that will improve every trip – no matter how many miles. Additionally, AR is making road trips a breeze for families and large groups. Any length of time in the car is much more enjoyable when everyone can enjoy some extra comfort and peace of mind. In addition to reduced road rage, passengers and drivers can enjoy a wide range of benefits in AR-equipped vehicles that include: Smarter, more responsive navigation systems Accessible driver support Truly hands-free calling, digital controls, and roadside assistance support Improved driving tactics as a result of improve metric visibility Reduced in-vehicle and external distractions Increased peripheral visibility and depth of range 360-degree view of all driving data and road information Never worry about missing a speed limit posting or local traffic sign when you can access real-time, location-specific info on your windshield. Or, forget about relying on your passengers to choose your driving music when you can change stations without taking your hands off the wheel. DEVELOPMENT OF AUGMENTED REALITY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY Innovative companies are continuously developing new ways to enhance the driving experience for all corners of the automotive consumer market. WayRay is one of the most notable companies that are developing AR tech for consumer drivers. Using an AR Rendering Engine, these products are able to siphon useful data from: Computer vision and mapping Relative vehicle positioning Virtual object rendering Sensor data acquisition Other popular AR manufacturers include Gotham and Samsung, but brands are continuously jumping onto this fast-moving train. However, many auto brands are coming up with their own proprietary software to give their inventory an added edge. Jaguar, Prosche, and Audi are all developing their own AR systems, each boasting uniquely clever ways to entice potential buyers. However you’re using it, Augmented Reality in mass market vehicles has the potential to improve your ride every time you get behind the wheel. It’s undeniable that we can expect to see this feature on all of our dashboards soon enough. Augmented Reality is taking over a variety of industries and sectors, from education to entertrainment. The automotive sphere is using this adaptive technology to improve the overall experience for everyone involved, while increasing the safety and profitability of the cars they’re produciting. If you want to dive into a (mostly) immersive environment whenever you need to get from Point A to Point B, AR is the transformative technology you need to incorporate in your vehicle. Click here to learn more about how Augmented Reality is transforming the driving experience in 2020.

Categories: Augmented Reality
The Future of Augmented Reality in Your Day-to-Day Life

The Future of Augmented Reality in Your Day-to-Day Life

Once limited to elite tech purposes, now more and more industries are looking to use Augmented Reality technology — and for good reason, too! The chances are high that you have already interacted with augmented reality in one way or another, especially if you’re a fan of video games. One popular game that launched AR into the public eye was none other than Pokemon Go. [] Augmented reality works by combining your real world environment with simulated overlays. You will typically see your immediately-surrounding environment with images projected around on your phone, or through a headset. From there, you’ll interact or receive input information from the projected images. For the sake of examples, in Pokemon Go, the characters would appear in your backyard or around the street, making it seem like the characters were actually there with you. The projected images, sounds, and interactions overlaid over our world have many functions, and are becoming increasingly popular. WHAT IS AUGMENTED REALITY USED FOR? Augmented reality isn’t limited to just video games. There are far more applications that may surprise you, as the use of AR technology is virtually unlimited. There are seven major applications of augmented reality that will soon influence your everyday life as augmented reality continues to rise. The seven primary applications include: * Education * Healthcare * Retail * Entertainment * Communication * Security * Navigation HOW AR IS USED IN EDUCATION The rise of augmented reality in your everyday life will include applications in education. This is sure to increase both the way we teach and how we learn. For primary school students, any subject — even physical education! — can be aided by the rising improvements in augmented reality. According to education researcher Fleming, there are three recognized methods of learning — by sound, by sight, and by touch. Especially for early learners, combining all three methods is the best way to guarantee positive results. AR can serve as the bridge that links them together. For example: a child can hold an educational material, and have their augmenting device recite the name and explanation, while also displaying facts and associations related to it. As they handle and manipulate the material in the real world, their virtual world updates with more interesting trivia and knowledge, enabling them to absorb more information. Introducing AR technology at a young age also helps it to become familiar to these students, allowing them early mastery of this technology. Children’s minds are incredibly flexible and adaptable — at one point it was believed that they’d never be able to understand the intricacies of smartphones, and yet here we are today! And just as smart devices have been proven to help in the classroom, the benefits of augmented reality may be truly significant. By interacting with their virtual and real environments simultaneously, kids retain the information more meaningfully compared to just a conventional textbook or lecture. For higher learning, augmented reality could potentially have a huge impact on how students retain information. For example, augmented reality can help theater students visualize potential organizations of theater-sets or lightings. For engineering students, running simulations of real-world infrastructure problems can make their studies more affordable and less labor-intensive. There may even be cross-discipline benefits. Part of the so-called “boring” nature of programming is the disconnect between bland lines of machine script and the final product. Perhaps being able to see and hear their code run in real time even as they made design changes would lead to more visually pleasing computer programs? AR is vastly better than simply following simple, non-interactive computer models. Take students undertaking extreme, high risk training for future careers: future doctors, pilots, and police officers, for example. For them, simulated emergency scenarios with immediate feedback can help them develop “virtual real-world” experience dealing with both the common and rare events that’ll crop up in their chosen path. [] HOW IS AUGMENTED REALITY USED IN HEALTHCARE? Augmented reality applications in healthcare will become more popular and helpful as AR technology grows in useage. Some examples might include procedures like surgeries, where visual assistance can help with the delicate and precise mechanics involved. Nurses finding veins can be made easier with real-time vein mapping to ensure no misses the first time. Patients will be sure to appreciate this aspect of AR! Augmented reality can even be used in dental healthcare. Orthodontic augmented reality can help model where braces brackets should go, or what the final result will look like mapped out inside the mouth. AR technology isn’t just limited to doctors and healthcare providers, either. Patients can also benefit from its use. Through AR, they can communicate more clearly with their doctors. For instance, instead of trying to point with their fingers at the painful spot, AR technology can help facilitate their treatment. This can allow them to describe what they’re feeling, while also providing a visual example to their provider through an AR rendering. Providers can also use AR to teach patients about how medications work inside their body, or how to properly use medical equipment at home. This can be extremely helpful for nervous patients who may wonder what sort of side effects might follow their treatment. Or, conversely, it can help motivate them to follow their course of treatment, knowing what positive outcome awaits them. It can be challenging for doctors to properly explain how to use medical equipment, especially for visual learners. Having the opportunity to see the medical equipment that they’ve been prescribed (and seeing it used on their own bodies!) can take the guesswork out of its use, reducing both user error and potential discomfort. [] HOW IS AUGMENTED REALITY USED IN RETAIL? As AR grows in popularity, you can expect to see it used in retail more often. Using augmented reality in retail isn’t just for sellers, either; it can also help buyers secure better deals and feel more confident about their purchases. The uses of AR in retail include making life easier by assisting with pricing visualized throughout the store (without having to walk up to the product!), or showing homeowners how furniture would look assembled in their homes. Another practical use for retail is visually overlaying yourself with an article of clothing you like. Augmented reality would allow you to save time in the dressing room by allowing you to virtually try them on, making it easier to know if the item is right for your style. Likewise, makeup and beauty products can also be simulated, saving you from having to try it on, or wondering how something looks with your skin tone if there are no samples available. [] AUGMENTED REALITY AND IMMERSIVE ENTERTAINMENT AR isn’t just useful in more serious applications, either. The rise of augmented reality will also mean more entertainment options for your everyday life, too! If you’ve ever watched television, a sporting event, or played a video game, and wondered what it would be like up close and personal, then you’ll be excited to know that augmented reality can make that a reality. Sports augmented reality can make a sporting event feel so much more personal and immersive. At a stadium, you can see virtual projections of the star quarterback or goalie. Or you can use it to find concessions and link up with other fans of the same team. At home, you can use AR to project live replays in 3-D to see if that really was a foul ball, or to really feel what it was like to play through a run. You can even use augmented reality to snap a photo with your favorite athlete. General entertainment is also going to be quite the adventure for kids and adults alike through AR. Even watching movies will become more enjoyable. With augmented reality, you may be able to interact with fictional characters, or step directly into your favorite film. WHAT DOES AR MEAN IN GAMING? Gaming with augmented reality is also a lot more fun when you get to let your creativity run wild. As a kid, you could mentally conjure up new worlds in your home, but with AR? Now you can visually interact with those same creative ventures. Through augmented reality, you can let your imagination run amok without actually having to build pillow forts or buy expensive tools and equipment. For the kiddos, toys can be scanned to create an immersive experience through interactive animation. This can allow children to really explore their creativity with a toy and the stories they invent. WHAT IS AUGMENTED REALITY IN COMMUNICATION? The way people communicate can be made more accessible through the use of augmented reality, too. Communication and augmented reality really do go hand in hand by allowing us to connect from places far away. By using an AR service that creates a holographic projection of a person, two people can meet up — despite living in different countries. This allows for people who might not have the opportunity to travel to meet up for a business interview, or catch up with an old friend. For business, travel expenses can be saved. Even better, you may not need to go to the office for that important meeting. Bosses can deliver speeches or provide charts and figures without a tedious powerpoint slideshow. [] USING AUGMENTED REALITY IN SECURITY While security may seem like an unlikely everyday use of augmented reality, it can prove very beneficial. One example of security and augmented reality in your everyday life right now is using facial recognition to unlock a phone. Augmented reality and security go beyond just those features, however. Indeed, it can even be lifesaving. Floor plans and locks around your house could become quickly accessible in the case that you or a loved one get locked out of your home. It can also help you quickly and safely find your way out in a fire or other emergency. While out shopping or at work, augmented reality can help keep you safe by providing trained professionals with necessary skills and training. It can also be used to access gates, locate electrical lines and pipes, and act as a sort of “x-ray vision” in a crisis. AUGMENTED REALITY IN CITY NAVIGATION Augmented reality can help those who don’t know every square inch of their city by heart, too. More often than not, you may find yourself in new areas, and GPS has come a long way to help. Augmented reality in navigation could help you get to where you are going, but oh-so-much quicker and more precisely (and without getting lost!). You can find stores nearby, or find any place you may be looking for, with real-time street view assistance. Tired of choosing a dud restaurant when hungry? AR can help you explore an area with real-time reviews, all but guaranteeing you never suffer through a mediocre meal again. WHAT COMPANIES USE AUGMENTED REALITY? Augmented reality is present in many of the companies you already use today. From established companies like Amazon using AR to make sure your packages arrive on time, to new companies like Snap which uses augmentation to cue taking perfect photos of your events. Unexpectedly, even sports companies are pushing to the next level: the Dallas Cowboys are an industry leader in developing the practices behind merging this technology with how fans enjoy sports. Someday soon, you may be able to watch and interact with “augmented professional football” from home! Augmented reality in day-to-day life is surging at an unprecedented rate, growing more popular every single day. There are so many ways in which you may find yourself being assisted or entertained through innovations in augmented reality. Whether you are learning something new, seeing an old friend, are lost in the city, or looking for somewhere to shop or eat, augmented reality is designed to make life easier. And that is definitely something to look forward to in the near future!

Categories: Augmented Reality