

Why AR Glasses May Become the Next Smartphone

Why AR Glasses May Become the Next Smartphone

About 30 years ago, the first smartphone was invented. This technology quickly grew to take over the world of connectivity, and is now the most widely used digital tool across the globe. Now, augmented reality is expanding just as rapidly – and top tech leaders like Facebook, Google, and Apple are paving the way. AR glasses are what comes after the smartphone, and we’re seeing these wearable devices across social media, advertising, gaming, retail, and more.  Just as the smartphone changed the way we handle the simplest daily tasks, AR glasses are becoming the next big thing in mobile connectivity. Read on to learn more about this explosive trend, and how you can use AR glasses in your daily life.  Why AR Glasses May Become the Next Smartphone [] WHAT ARE AR GLASSES? Remember the Google Glass boom in 2013? This was the first experience much of the public had with this now commonplace type of wearable equipment. Google’s flagship product is back on the market, but it isn’t the only option available for those who want to experience this immersive technology.  Augmented reality glasses are worn as standard eyeglasses, and the overlapping lenses allow the user to see digital information in their direct line of sight. By superimposing virtual information over the physical information in their view field, users can walk around and live daily life while also checking messages, posting on social media, viewing navigation directions, and more. But, how does this technology truly augment our reality? These wearable tools include a wide variety of features that can stitch together a composite that accurately represents the wearer’s digital and physical worlds. HOW DO AR GLASSES WORK? What if you could scroll through social media without taking your eyes off the menu at the coffee shop? Or, take a conference call while you’re on the treadmill? With the level of discrete and flexible options on the market, the expanse of functions and features are endless. There are a variety of mobile apps on the market, like Pokemon Go, that give a fragmented augmented reality experience without the use of wearable tech. However, AR glasses provide a granular level of detail regarding movement, location tracking, visual elements, and more. AR glasses capture a portion of the outside environment using a connected camera, or by linking to footage from your mobile phone. That information is then used to calibrate the user’s physical position in order to determine where overlay information can be displayed. This focal point is also used to display dynamic content as the environment and digital data changes in real time. All of this information is then combined to create a full-picture view using real-world images and AR digital data. Some common features that will be built into virtually every AR glasses product on the market include: * Computer-generated content * GPS * Accelerometer * QR code scanner * Gyroscope By tracking and adapting to the user’s most delicate movements and actions, AR glasses are able to keep up with the wearer like no other connected mobile device. Additionally, immersive technology is effectively creating a hybrid world for individuals to safely and efficiently perform a multitude of digital tasks and commands.  AR glasses are changing the way we can multitask with mobile devices, while enjoying other forms of media at the same time. Just like we might use our smartphone to research a movie we’re watching simultaneously, it’s possible to use AR glasses for the same reason – but with a higher level of discretion and presence in the current moment. The average American has seven screens, and we’ve become conditioned to use multiple screens simultaneously to make the most out of every second we spend online. AR glasses are clearing some of the smoke by giving us a way to find new information while giving full attention to what’s actually happening in front of us. Why AR Glasses May Become the Next Smartphone [] WHO IS LEADING THE AR GLASSES INDUSTRY? The AR glasses industry isn’t just located in the American commercial market. The industry is expected to reach a 98.3% CAGR in China from 2020 to 2027. Japan and Canada markets are also growing rapidly, but American consumers and brands do make up about 31% of the current market share. From 2012 to now, we’ve seen a huge influx of revolutionary wearable devices across virtually every price point. Now, full-time digital information overlays can be synced with your iOS or Android phone to process everything you need from both devices. Additionally, this level of compatibility can be extended to cloud-based accounts and secure file storage through local or saved networks. Apple, Microsoft, and Google have their own wearable AR glasses on the market, but they aren’t the only brands in the forefront. Niantic, Zappar, Lucyd, Magic Leap, and more brands are playing a major role in the growth of wearable AR tech as an entire sphere. Heading into Q2, we’re sure to see even more brands pop up across the 2021 technology market. The AR glasses industry also includes auxiliary devices and programs, such as mobile apps and tethered headsets. Additionally, VR devices are also being developed to include a hybrid of features ranging from augmented to mixed to virtual reality environments. The expansion of this innovative sphere is facilitating more affordable pricing for the mainstream consumer, largely as a result of increased competition across the board. Now, it’s possible for users to find an interconnected headset or pair of AR glasses for less than $500. For corporations or larger organizations that want to fully digitize their remote work environments, there are models that reach prices of more than $3,500 that come with high-resolution displays, long battery life, impressive refresh rates, and more. Why AR Glasses May Become the Next Smartphone [] HOW CAN YOU USE AR ON A SMARTPHONE? Have you ever used the filter features on Instagram or Snapchat? That is one example of augmented reality, and there are a few key ways to use your phone in this capacity. Any time you’re using your phone to project or display digital information over your real-life view, you’re utilizing augmented reality. From mobile apps to hardwired program integration and cloud-based systems, there are a variety of ways for the standard consumer to use this AR smartphone technology on a daily basis.  Furniture and home staging is one of the ways augmented reality is being used in a practical setting. IKEA is a top brand that is leading the virtual furniture buying industry, but it is not the only resource available for those who want to try before they buy.  AR technology is also being used to help customers try out specific SKUs in the beauty, fashion, and even content creation spheres. Now, buying multiple versions of one product to decide between colors, sizes, materials, and more could be a thing of the past. Using virtual AR apps to test out consumer products is effectively helping retail brands to reduce returns while boosting customer referrals and retention rates. Additionally, many shoppers are choosing the brands they shop with by using AR connectivity as a selected criterion. ARE AR GLASSES BETTER THAN OTHER GADGETS? The smartwatch changed the world and created a new level of seamless interconnectivity across the tech sphere. Then, biometrics trackers that analyze your screen time, sleep schedules, and even steps taken throughout the day have become a normal part of the daily American routine. AR glasses are shaping up to take the same stride toward mainstream acceptance across virtually every demographic. While AR glasses are growing in the consumer sphere, they aren’t quite surpassing other wearables on the market. But, the growth of VR technology and augmented experiences across other devices is actually helping to push the AR glasses market to the top of the techy list. As AR developers create stylish, minimal, and accessible glasses for the masses, many consumers are starting to prefer this form of wearable over the previously more popular watches, wristbands, and even standalone mobile apps. The smaller and more powerful AR glasses become, the more people will be donning these futuristic wearables for standard everyday use. WILL AR GLASSES REPLACE SMARTPHONES? Could you imagine a world where the computers we carry in our pockets could be replaced by VR glasses in the real world? As it stands today, many AR apps and programs are used in collaboration with mobile smartphones and external devices. However, there are a few key aspects of the process to keep in mind before making the permanent switch. Experts expect this form of wearable tech to eventually surpass the use of the smartphone, in as little as 10 years. Infotainment is the new normal, and consumers are looking for more and more ways to integrate their favorite forms of media in the tasks they need to complete on a regular basis.  Not only have wearable devices proven to be safer than handheld phones and tablets in many different settings, but they’re also becoming more widely accepted in terms of use, style, and accessibility. This type of hands-free content consumption frees up the users ability to manipulate digital images, and effectively multitask in real time. Rather than completing work, personal, or entertainment tasks with one hand, they can use wearables for a higher level of control and sensory information processing. Why AR Glasses May Become the Next Smartphone [] AR SMART GLASSES AND REMOTE WORKERS In the current work-from-home boom, many employers are utilizing this technology to boost productivity levels, reduce costs, and facilitate favorable work conditions regardless of a worker’s home office environment. By facilitating a streamlined digital hub for remote workers to collaborate and communicate on current and future processes, AR gear promotes peak productivity and profitability in a few ways.  Some of the most important AR functions for online workers include: * Voice commands: Truly hands-free connectivity and device usage with synchronized instructions, commands, and AI-enabled tasks simplifying a wide range of project types.  * Training and onboarding: Carrying out HR functions is easier than ever, especially since the majority of the workforce is handling this process from their home computers. Throughout the entire employee lifecycle, this function is giving all levels of staff and management a new approach to professional growth and development across virtually every industry. * Process improvement and reporting: One of the most important things to consider in any workplace is how teams continue to improve existing processes and innovate over time. Using VR glasses at work has been proven to improve the efficiency of all employees by providing 24/7 cloud-based access to any information, files, or communications needed on the job. * Safety and security: Not only is data theft on the rise, but physical accidents and downtime caused by workplace incidents is still posing a threat to the livelihood of the entire workforce. Using digital modeling and virtual workspaces with AR glasses can significantly reduce workplace accidents, while giving field workers a secure way to keep workflows running smoothly from any location. Digital workflows, increased transparency, and dynamic real-time reporting is giving remote employees a whole new look at the way work can be completely online. From enhanced data security using biometric scanning to improved resource distribution by digitizing the entire work environment, the possibilities are endless. Smart AR glasses are finding their way into many spheres and industries, from automotive to retail to real estate. Improving the skills of the workforce while reducing redundancies and promoting peak innovation are certainly changing the way we interact with each other in a digital capacity. Whether you’re using AR glasses to get around, communicate with your friends, or build a render from scratch – you’ll be seeing a lot more of this revolutionary technology in the upcoming years. AR glasses are changing the way we stream, search, speak, and simulate work environments. Keep an eye out for this growing technological solution to see why AR glasses are what comes after the smartphone

What is the Difference between Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality?

What is the Difference between Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality?

With virtual reality, augmented reality, and now a mixed reality, it is understandable that people are getting a little confused. This is often worsened by the devices used, many of which support virtual reality, augmented reality, and/or mixed reality on similar-looking devices. As there is a lot of confusion between these terms, here we look at the properties and differences of each. Putting it in simple terms, here are the key differences: * Virtual Reality (VR) puts you in an immersive virtual environment * Augmented Reality (AR) can augment reality and add elements to the real world around us with which we can interact with in limited ways * Mixed Reality (MR) takes augmented reality to a new level, allowing for more accurate integration of objects and also more natural ways of interacting with these virtual elements The technologies that are driving these experiences are developing at impressive rates. This is largely due to various industries taking an interest in and adopting the use of these for business and government services. The market is no longer simply about entertainment but is now attracting big businesses, such as airports and medical services. With this injection of new and large amounts of corporate and government capital, combined with far more potential for uses, the augmented reality and mixed reality markets are expected to grow significantly over the next 5-10 years. According to Mordor Intelligence, the mixed reality market is “expected to register a CAGR of 47.9% over the forecast period (2020-2025)”. The fact that devices are also becoming more affordable leads to even greater rates of adoption. For many of these apps and games, all you need is a mobile device and maybe a headset that you can slide your phone into. VISIONARIES OF AUGMENTED AND MIXED REALITY Scientists and storytellers have been predicting a future where we could change the world around us for a long time. Think of the Holodeck in Star Trek for example, where people could interact with solid holograms in a virtual world. While we aren’t quite there yet, these virtual reality technologies are starting to get us close. We have treadmills and ‘centers’ with equipment that can allow us to explore virtual worlds, walking around almost like we are actually there. As the interaction becomes more natural and we can manipulate or grab virtual objects, the possibilities of such a holodeck style experience increases. WHAT IS VIRTUAL REALITY? The majority of people have a clear idea about what virtual reality is. They have seen the headsets and games advertised, or played with some themselves. However, before diving into augmented reality and mixed reality, it is important that we set the base of what virtual reality offers. Virtual reality is what led to other related technologies developing. The devices that were originally intended for virtual reality inspired other ways to change the world we see and our interaction with those virtual creations. PCMag explains it as “VR headsets completely take over your vision to give you the impression that you’re somewhere else”. This is an accurate description of virtual reality. As the headset blocks out the real world and replaces it with videos or virtual images. It is more than just a cinema though, as when you move your head, you can look around the virtual environment as though you were truly there. However, as the world is virtual, it also means you need to be careful about your movements in the real world (which you can no longer see). Interaction is also currently fairly limited, often needing special digital devices such as controllers to allow you to move and interact with the digital environment. The available tools are expanding and the experience is slowly becoming more realistic and more natural, but at the moment there is no way to interact completely naturally, such as simply running around the environment and ‘feeling’ what you touch without needing special gloves or equipment. Adding external cameras has, however, allowed for more natural integrations with some devices. It has made it possible to add virtual hands into the environment and motion tracking does allow some movement in the space. However, the problem remains that you can’t see the real world and natural movement is fairly limited at this time. Much of this is coming about as technologies of virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality cross devices and help to improve aspects of each approach. [] WHAT IS AUGMENTED REALITY? Augmented reality adds more to the world we see. Instead of being a virtual environment in our view, it is the real world with virtual objects added. Augmented reality can be delivered through mobile devices and specialist headsets. An example of this at its basic stage was the game Pokemon Go, where players ran around in the real world chasing down and collecting virtual Pokemon. The combination of virtual with the real-world environment was revolutionary for its time. It was touted as being a great achievement for bringing exercise to mobile gaming. However, not all of it was good, as there were numerous cases where people focused too much on the virtual aspect and missed dangerous real-world objects (such as holes, drains, cars, etc.). This technology allows some level of interaction with what is added, however, this interaction is not normally in a ‘natural’ movement sense. Instead, device movement or touching the screen can allow digital objects to be affected, such as pushing a cartoon character over by touching the screen with your finger. You can’t reach into the real world behind the screen and push them over. [] Augmented reality has also become popular in a lot of camera apps and augmented reality recreational apps such as Instagram, allowing cute or funny images or augmentations of people and objects seen by the camera. These photos and even TikTok videos have become popular in recent years. They add a fun element to a normal photo or video. It allows people to play with ideas, looks, and just generally have a bit of silly fun with family and friends. Although initially known mainly for entertainment, this technology is now being adopted to make airports more ‘user friendly’, enhance services in the medical sector, and even used by retailers to allow for promotions to be highlighted or ‘virtual advertising’ in their real-world shops. Augmented reality is great for ‘adding’ information and assistance in real-world scenarios as well, from virtual tour guides to the Google Lens app, access to information is becoming easier and more enjoyable. In airports, this is largely achieved by having an app that has a lot of information stored, but also reads information from wireless internet connections or nearby sensors for updates. It then presents this information to the user via a virtual ‘addition’ to what they are seeing. This allows for ‘live’ updates and assistance for passengers. It can overlay guidance for directions or how to use things in the airport. It would also be possible to alert passengers of changes, or to notify them when they are passing something interesting, or perhaps heading too far away from their designated gate given the time until their flight. All of this helps make the user experience more fluid and less stressful, which is good for customers and the companies using augmented reality systems. WHAT IS MIXED REALITY? Mixed reality takes augmented reality and adds both natural interaction and recognition of real-world objects. It allows people to interact with the objects, but also for the objects to react to the real environment that they are added to. This means that instead of being able to move a character by touching the screen, you could reach out to shake their hand virtually. It also means that the same character could trip over a ball on the floor, or realistically climb up the stairs in the real world house. The fact that the virtual objects are added in such a realistic way expands the possible uses of this kind of technology. The image isn’t simply projected into the real-world but becomes a ‘believable’ part of it. The technology required is different from that of augmented apps. This is because the virtual glasses need to be able to accurately read and interpret the world around them. The software needs information from sensors, such as motion, distance, depth, etc. This is then translated into realistic effects of real world objects on virtual objects. This tech is also not limited to games and entertainment either. As these devices can accurately assess the real world, it further expands the uses of augmented reality in real-world businesses and services. Providing virtualization that is responsive to and understanding the physics of the real world is a huge step towards being effective in many work environments. As objects are digitally tethered to and able to respond to the real world accurately, it opens up more possibilities for use and provides higher levels of accuracy to generate experiences or add information for users. Mixed reality means that the real world and virtual worlds can merge, with the virtual reality elements being able to interact with and respond to real environments. This can be as simple as having an accurate measuring app for rooms and spaces, to producing far more advanced applications. However, even a measuring app can solve many difficult real-world problems, such as accurately measuring the shaping of non-uniform objects, providing exact sizes or templates for cutting tiles, etc. This could even be connected with 3D printing to fix or develop something to perfectly fit around such structures or objects. In the medical sector, as an example, mixed reality could assist doctors or nurses by accurately highlighting veins or guiding doctors through complex surgeries with overlaid scans or x-rays. These could also be assisted with AI, providing significant support and vital additional information to medical professionals. It also allows interesting training scenarios, such as trainee surgeons being able to practice on virtual patients using both real and virtual medical equipment. Controllers or screens are often required to interact with virtual or augmented realities. But, with the accuracy and natural interaction of mixed reality, medical trainees could be supported and observed while practicing on completely virtual patients, organs, or even practice entire emergency scenarios. [] HOW IS AUGMENTED REALITY DIFFERENT TO MIXED REALITY? There are numerous differences, but the biggest noticeable aspects are device requirements and realistic interaction. Nowadays, augmented reality is usable on most smartphones or tablets, with the added option of specialist headsets. However, to provide a mixed reality experience, more power and sensors are required. A lot of digital devices would not currently have these built-in as standard, but may in the future. Augmented reality offers limited interactivity with the virtualized elements. This is by far the most obvious difference. The freedom to interact fully with virtual aspects in a natural and real-world way (such as by picking up an item or pushing something) makes the experience more fluid. Virtual objects also respond to real-world objects. This not only allows for more accurate insertion of objects but also interaction. For example, a virtual remote-controlled toy car could crash into a desk or be struck by a real object. In the case of headsets, augmented reality or mixed reality headsets have to allow people to see the real world. This is only possible in two ways. One is to feed the real world through cameras to a screen where digital objects are added. The other is to provide a translucent screen which can insert solid-looking digital objects into the real view of the current surroundings. WHICH SECTORS WILL ADOPT MIXED REALITY TECHNOLOGY? The total impact of mixed reality on business is yet to be fully discovered. Its possible uses are so diverse, from being able to accurately measure a room or scan its shape, to tricky surgery support. It can also be used for training – from guiding racing car drivers, to highlighting options to soldiers. This technology is one of the most adaptable new technologies and is likely to exceed virtual reality dramatically in both general adoption, its uses, and market share. The commerce sector is jumping on this technology as well, as it is quite diverse regarding uses for advertising. The automotive industry is now able to provide people with at-home augmented reality or virtual reality examples of cars. With augmented reality or mixed reality, users could see what different cars would look like parked outside their house and virtually interact with the car images. Even cars themselves are using mixed reality, such as reversing cameras that insert directional lines or other information accurately over the real world image. The uses are almost only limited by programmer imaginations. This is especially true as these virtual technologies start to allow real-world interactions. Instead of only being able to see the virtually projected environment, the user can fully interact with it. This provides a more ‘natural’ use and educational environment. It makes virtual reality a powerful tool for training, as the experience of the user is much like actually performing the task in the real world. It provides a familiar merger of ‘on the job training’ and gaming. Instead of trying to remember what they read, the learner remembers an experience. However, it isn’t just that objects can be virtualized. Virtual representations or recordings of real instructors can be included. These could be added as mixed reality ‘holograms’ in the real world or as a part of the recorded environment in a virtual space. As devices progress and become more affordable, virtual and mixed realities are likely to become a major part of many sectors. The reason for this is: * Interactive training without needing a trainer * Increased staff safety * Increased productivity * Adaptability * Effective remote collaboration * The adaptability of using virtual ‘tools’ or ‘inputs’ Environments can be simplified by virtualizing interactive aspects Information can be intercommunication real-time from anywhere As 5G comes in and usable robots also become cost-effective, there is also a high chance of remote working for specialists with the ability to interact with the real world via robotic devices. SUMMARY Mixed reality is still a developing and relatively new technology. However, it is a technology that has great potential due to its ability to connect the online and virtual worlds with the world we live in. [] Price, interactivity, and connectivity will also be a key to its long term success. What might be worth paying for a headset in specialist sectors is unlikely to be worthwhile to the average person. However, as prices reduce and natural interaction with virtual data improves, it could be how we perform many of our current activities in the future. Imagine, for a moment, virtualized computer displays, TVs, or even exercise activities such as sports. Many of the normal technologies and equipment required today could feasibly be replaced by visualized items in mixed reality glasses or contact lenses of the future.

The Definitive Guide for Using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to Elevate
Your Business

The Definitive Guide for Using Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality to Elevate Your Business

Virtual reality and augmented reality technology has evolved exponentially throughout the years. While once projecting a pixelated and graphically obscure translation of a virtual world, the landscapes and backdrops of VR and the components represented in these scenes now appear so real in their replication that the mind can easily adapt to the new virtual space. The graphic quality of today’s VR has enhanced and transformed the gaming experience, delivering detailed and lifelike worlds and new realms filled with artistic renderings of futuristic—or even prehistoric—structures, creatures, characters and settings. Yet, VR and its offerings extend beyond games and entertainment. Stepping into the virtual world projected in VR also benefits businesses; this technology has the potential to amplify the customer experience, better facilitate employee training and perhaps even boost client satisfaction and retention. How can the use of virtual reality benefit businesses? [] VIRTUAL AND AUGMENTED REALITY & THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Utilizing virtual reality to amplify the customer experience doesn’t involve VR headsets or complicated consoles. VR and its uses are multi-modal, and integration of VR isn’t the same across industries. Augmented reality technology includes virtual assistants (like Alexa), interactive exhibits (like in museums), virtual tours (for real estate or the tourism industry), interactive customer service apps and even virtual reality product showrooms (for cars and fashion!). VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS AND AUGMENTED REALITY Augmented reality is ingrained in daily life. Most smartphones now come equipped with a virtual assistant like Siri or Alexa. These interactive assistants also serve as a prototype for a virtual customer service associate. If your business offers an automated customer service line—with an integrated voice-activated assistant—then welcome to the world of automated reality. While many businesses want to embrace a personalized approach to customer service, and, therefore, still utilize real-life human beings to assist customers with any issues, virtual customer service support does provide accessible and more simplistic assistance for time-harried customers. For simple tasks like paying a bill or checking an account balance, virtual assistants can navigate requests easily and quickly by guiding customers with simple prompts and voice-activated virtual menus. This reduces a customer’s wait time and streamlines simple requests and basic account queries. Virtual customer service assistants also can be utilized online via personalized chats. Customers type their question or concern, and the assistant is programmed with the applicable solutions and guidance. While this type of automated reality doesn’t take place in a separate realm, it is hosted in the virtual sphere, exists separately from a human interaction and incorporates the intelligence and data of the computer. Other businesses and industries, however, facilitate customer service interactions by using VR/AR to identify project issues. Software or apps can now recognize products and identify them for customer service reps. Although this technology isn’t a ‘virtual assistant,’ the technology is an extension of VR/AR. [] VIRTUAL EXHIBITS & TOURS Virtual reality gives users the opportunity to experience scenes and adventures that may have once been out of reach for them. Museum exhibits can utilize VR by allowing visitors to step into prehistoric worlds or maybe even explore a painting. The tourism industry has taken a financial hit because of Covid, but virtual tours provide a vacation experience that’s safe and relaxing. Now staycations from home can involve virtual excursions to historic sites or even a hike through the canopy of a rainforest. Virtual tours also are utilized in the real estate industry. Potential homebuyers can preview the home of their dreams with online tours and walkthroughs that allow them to see every room and all the home’s amenities and features. THE 360-DEGREE EXPERIENCE OF VIRTUAL SHOWROOMS The Coronavirus pandemic has challenged and changed daily life, and these changes (and challenges) reverberated throughout the retail sector. Visits to stores beyond the necessities were either limited or simply not an option (when restrictions shut-down nonessential businesses). Survival for many stores meant changing how customers shop for clothes, cars and other goods/services. Online shopping became the dominant force, but not all businesses could best display their products in the two-dimensional world of computer imagery. Consumers shopping for a new car need to see details up close, and they also want to view the automobile from multiple vantage points. Standard photos even in high-resolution cannot translate images to 3D. To provide an in-person experience from the comfort of home, some dealerships offered their own virtual showrooms online to display inventory. Others could guide shoppers to the Relay Cars virtual showroom for panoramic views of many different makes and models. Manufacturers or dealers also offered virtual test drives of their automobiles. This virtual test drive model had different functions for dealerships; some scheduled test drives via an app and delivered the car to the consumer for an at-home test drive. Others, though, actually created a virtual test drive that was truly virtual and could be experienced on a phone or computer screen—no keys necessary! The virtual showrooms extended to the fashion world, too. Fashion retailers pre-Covid operated on a dual selling model—customers could order online and they also could view (and try on) items in the store. The retail shutdown meant that those who needed or wanted to preview items in the store didn’t have that option. Like the automotive sector, some boutiques embraced a virtual showroom, allowing consumers to view the entire store in 360 degrees. At some online retailers, customers can view garments from multiple vantage points to assess drape, style and length from different angles. While this isn’t a solution for those who want to try on an item before clicking ‘buy,’ the interactive viewing options may enhance the understanding of a garment’s shape and fit and provide more input for a hesitant buyer. [] VR AND AR FOR EMPLOYEE TRAINING Across industries, virtual reality and augmented reality also is transforming employee training. This technology is used in flight simulators for pilots, in training simulations for automobile manufacturers, and, per NPR, some simulations teach retail workers how to deal with a robbery. The optimization of this technology depends on the industry and the business’s individual needs. However, the options are seemingly endless. VR TRAINING SESSIONS FOR EMPLOYEES STRIVR is one of the big players in the business of VR training; the company provides training sessions designed for the retail, financial services, logistics, manufacturing and technology industries. For the retail sector, these interactive sessions address job roles in multiple areas including customer service, fulfillment, new hire assessment, manager training and culture and values. Employee training sessions can address how to handle customer service issues, help employees learn about new processes in the company, how to most efficiently pack shipments, assess individual skills/weaknesses (e.g. “new hire assessment”), and provide interactive lessons on company culture. Logistics training sessions can include interactive lessons related to onboarding and safety, while lessons/sessions in the financial services sector include fraud protection, sales training, manager training, contact center training and safety training. Walmart and Verizon have used STRIVR for employee training. VR TRAINING SIMULATIONS FOR PILOTS While flight simulators have been around since the early 20th century, virtual reality simulators created a more realistic experience for pilots in training. In 2018, Wired reported that these simulators now provide an integrated sensory experience; the new technology developed by FlyInside provides pilots with the sense of feeling all the switches and dials they would use during a flight. VR FOR TRAINING AND EVALUATION PROTOCOLS IN THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY The automotive sector has utilized virtual reality for safety evaluations and to aid technicians in making repairs. For this industry, VR may be an important tool in detecting design flaws or to simply streamline the visual appeal of the model. Varjo partnered with Volvo for a VR headset—or, rather, a “mixed reality test drive”–that can be used to assess a car model or prototype while driving. The technology allows the driver to test safety technologies and other aspects of the automobile. Porsche’s “Tech Live Look” combines smart glasses with a software platform to help technicians to more easily make repairs. The glasses magnify tiny areas (like screws) and illuminate dark areas for better visibility during repairs. The technology was introduced in 2018. During Covid, Ford utilized virtual reality in its design process. Team directors wore VR headsets to view prototypes in a virtual space, and directors could switch vantage points within the program to view the car from a different angle. Virtual reality ensured that the design process didn’t come to a screeching halt as industries were forced to transition to work-from-home environments. VR AND AR TO BOOST CLIENT SATISFACTION AND RETENTION Success for any business depends on keeping clients and customers happy. Virtual reality and augmented reality also can be used to ensure client satisfaction, which, in turn, leads to retention. Virtual reality experiences can be used to elevate the shopping experience or to simplify the buying process. [] VR TO VISUALIZE INTERIOR DESIGN Furniture stores sometimes offer interactive experiences for buyers that allow them to photograph a room and upload it to create a virtual simulation of the space. This takes the guesswork out of buying new furnishings, as the simulation may allow buyers to better visualize hues, texture and size/shapes. Macy’s, for example, offers the Virtual Room Designer. After the image of the room is uploaded, buyers can rearrange furniture and add in new pieces to see how they may look at home. This feature allows buyers to know if a nightstand will complement the bed…or look completely out of place. It also ensures that the piece of furniture will fit in the space! Ikea also offers a virtual showroom. Ikea’s Virtual Home Experience, however, is only available in store. The functionalities of the showroom, though, let users delve deep into their creative imagination. Ikea’s website notes that the application lets users swap in furniture, change lighting (to see how the room may look at night or during the day), and opt for different fabrics and hues. Ikea’s VR application is powered by the Oculus Rift. AR TO CHANGE OUR APPEARANCE AR can change the way we look…without changing anything! VR/AR programs allow users to upload photos and make changes to their hair, try makeup hues and, yes, even view plastic surgery results without undergoing the surgery. Wonder how you might look with a smaller nose? There is an AR technology to preview the new virtual you. Sephora and other big beauty names allow users to upload a photo and try on products virtually. On the fence about a lipstick hue? Try it on virtually and see if it’s flattering…or a fail. For Sephora and other companies, this convenient tool may help reduce returns and maybe even lead to more purchases. If more than one eyeshadow looks amazing via the virtual preview, buyers may be more inclined to purchase multiple hues…especially if there is less uncertainty about the purchase. Going for a bold short chic haircut may seem like a big decision. In the past, the potential answer to the burning question of ‘how will it look?’ remained a mystery until the style was completed. However, with AR apps like The Hair Styler, users can try on different styles and colors. Cosmetologists may see a benefit from these apps, as now their clients can show them specifically what they want and how they want it to look. Since the new style will be displayed on the client’s own photo, the style request can be visualized a bit more accurately. In the past few years, cosmetic surgeons have seen an uptick in younger clientele. Today, it isn’t unusual for someone in their 20s to request fillers or perhaps even Botox. Celebrities like Kylie Jenner, who has openly admitted to having lip fillers, also have made these minor cosmetic procedures much more acceptable. However, more invasive procedures like rhinoplasty or face lifts may cause a bit of trepidation for those who are unsure what to expect from the augmentation. Face Touch Up helps take some of the guesswork out of these procedures; surgeons can use this app to show patients the final look after surgery. While the photos might not be an exact recreation, it can help patients visualize the results post-surgery. [] AR FOR A VIRTUAL FITTING ROOM Retail fashion stores shut down during Covid didn’t have the means to let customers try on clothes. Even now, those fitting rooms may be locked for sanitation reasons to help stop the spread of the virus. FXMirror may transform the way consumers shop for clothes in the store, as the technology eliminates the need for the store to have a fitting room. FXMirror includes a processor, Kinect camera, a wifi router, a virtual fitting application and a Cloth Authoring Tool (aka CAT). The technology works by taking a snapshot of the individual in 3D; measurements are captured that allow for a personalized avatar (choose your own image or a generated avatar). According to the website, users can change hairstyles, skin complexion, and rotate the image for a rear view of an outfit. FXMirror also allows users to change their facial expression. FXMirror can access the full inventory of the boutique or store. While many fitting rooms are shut during the pandemic, these closed spaces also may present a risk for shoplifting. FXMirror and technology like it may help stores decrease the risk of theft while still providing a convenient virtual space for trying on clothing. Virtual reality and augmented reality offer many benefits to businesses. This technology can help facilitate more seamless customer service interactions—especially for simple requests—and it also can improve employee training programs and give a boost to customer satisfaction/retention. Virtual customer service assistants are a primary example of how many companies already utilize this technology. In addition, companies that offer VR training for employees may be the wave of the future, as more industries look for ways to better prepare employees for different scenarios they may face in their new job. VR/AR used as a way to provide insight about purchases can amplify a company’s customer satisfaction and retention rates; virtual reality showrooms, AR programs that provide previews of beauty products and even a VR virtual fitting room all provide customers with the means to see a product before they make their purchase. VR may be a solution to ensure that the customer is always right, while simultaneously minimizing the risk of returns or losing customers because an employee wasn’t right for the role.

Dealer Handbook 101: Buying A Car Online

Dealer Handbook 101: Buying A Car Online

Buying a car in-person can be a long and, quite frankly, annoying process. Few people can say they actually enjoy going to a dealership. The long negotiations with a salesman, possible hours of waiting for financing and processing paperwork, and walking through a dealership to look at and test drive several cars to find the right one can overwhelm and turn off many potential buyers. Today, the Internet and technology have completely transformed the car buying process and consumers now have the option of buying a car online. Now, shoppers can get all the information they need without even having to step foot into a dealership. Buying a car online is becoming easier and easier and will likely be the preferred way to shop for a vehicle in the future. Because of this trend, more and more consumers are doing the research before the buying process even begins, and they are becoming more knowledgeable about the vehicles they are shopping for. This can make a dealer’s job even easier as working with knowledgeable shoppers means you can have a more meaningful selling experience. On the other hand, you might come across prospective car buyers or leasers who are jumping into the online car shopping experience blindly. Common questions that car shoppers might be asking themselves are: * Which car is best? * Which car is right for me? * Can I afford it? * Am I getting a deal? * Where should I buy it? Guiding your client virtually can help them get the answers they need and help you guarantee a sale. WHICH CAR IS BEST? Figuring out which car can best suit your client’s needs takes some research and time. Your buyer might be eyeing a few options already but are not quite sure which make and model would be best. Generally, buyers already have an idea of what they might be looking for before they even get in contact with you. However, you might get a few who have not done any research or are in need of a vehicle as soon as possible. Assisting them in the research stage of the car buying experience can help give you a leg up and is an opportunity to educate yourself on what is currently available on the market. Quite often consumers are concerned with: * Fuel mileage * Style * Ease of operation * Safety features * Affordability Providing this information upfront online can help your client become more knowledgeable and confident in your credibility. That being said, the “best” car out there might not necessarily be the “best” car for your client. What you need to focus on is understanding what your client is actually looking for and know which car features will fit their needs. [] WHICH CAR IS RIGHT FOR ME? Buyers are often searching for a car that will fit their lifestyle but also their budget. Dealerships today need to be interacting and communicating with buyers before they even come into the showroom. Providing information and a truly immersive online shopping experience can help buyers easily figure out which car is right for them. Along with including detailed photos and information about each vehicle, dealers can also bring the experience of shopping at a dealership to their buyers virtually. Buyers want to know more and more about the vehicle they are purchasing and to do so from the comfort of their own home can help you make a sale right away. A virtual showroom can help clients find the right car for them and guarantees a sale for dealers. Virtual showrooms are now much more than a gallery full of photos. Thanks to A.I. companies such as RelayCars, dealerships can now give clients a more in-depth and detailed look of vehicles online. Virtual reality showrooms can give buyers the experience of actually being inside the car without even having to go to a dealership. They can find the right car for them and explore a vehicle’s interior and features all from home. Virtual reality showrooms are truly the key factor in setting your dealership apart from the many different online auto shops. Your buyer is likely looking for a car that not only has all the right features they want but also the price that they want. CAN I AFFORD IT? Once a buyer finds the right vehicle for them, the next step is to find the right price point. Some buyers might even start the process in reverse. They may have a set budget in mind then use that as the basis for their search for the right car. Understanding what an online car buyer is looking for in terms of financing can help you determine what tools and information they may need. Dealers should then include the information on their virtual showroom site. A monthly payment is often not the only financial woe that online buyers are considering. When it comes to a car budget many salesmen only think of what the buyer will be spending for the vehicle itself. However, remember, today’s online shoppers are more knowledgeable and want to know potential repair costs, maintenance, and gas mileage. They want to know not just the actual value of the car but also what they will likely be spending on the vehicle in the long run. Of course, a big part of the car buying process for a buyer is getting a good deal on a vehicle. You will likely come across very few buyers who are willing to pay the presented price on a vehicle. However, in a virtual buying experience it can be difficult to implement the same negotiation tools and processes without meeting in person. So how can you help your buyer get the best deal for them and for you in an online experience? [] AM I GETTING A DEAL? Even after finding the right car and maybe even with the right price point, buyers still want to make sure they are getting the best deal they can find. Making sure you are advertising your promos and offers on your website and virtual showroom can help you attract more buyers. If you are working with an online buyer, you can offer to have a virtual appointment with them to discuss promos and negotiations. This can also give you a chance to provide a personal touch to the online shopping experience. Including features such as a car calculator or leasing calculator to your virtual showroom can give your buyers an idea of what they could be saving and spending on a vehicle and gives them a base price to start off negotiations. WHERE SHOULD I BUY IT? Online car buyers are likely not like your average shoppers that walk into a dealership. These clients are smart, tech savvy, and knowledgeable. Most likely they are not in a rush to purchase and want to spend enough time researching and making their decision. This means dealers need to provide ample information and be just as informed as they are. Buyers online are more careful and thoughtful before committing and signing. Often they will check various dealers online before contacting a dealership. So, how can you make sure that you are attracting online shoppers? First, by providing online features that can help them become informed about the vehicle they are shopping for. As mentioned, having more than a gallery of photos can set you apart from other online dealerships. A virtual showroom can entice and impress potential buyers. They are able to view the car as if they are actually at the dealership, but they are at the comfort of their own home. Second, dealers should still create a personalized experience online by providing chat options on the virtual showroom so shoppers can still talk to a salesperson online. Dealers can even take it a step further and video chat with shoppers in order to show them the car online and shoppers can request specific angles or footage of the vehicle they are potentially buying. Finally, being transparent with your potential buyers can help build that same rapport and credibility that you build in person. Your virtual showroom should still provide as much information as possible for your shopper to be well informed. The site should also include information about vehicle costs as well as loan and payment information. SELLING ONLINE BRINGS PROFITS Ultimately, selling online can completely revolutionize how your dealership does business and can help to improve sales. Remember, online car buyers are well-informed and careful about their purchases, which actually means they are likely to be more committed to signing once they find the right vehicle for the right price. Providing an online experience that replicates a visit to the dealership through a virtual showroom can help them make an informed decision and helps you lock in a sale. Companies like RelayCars can provide an interactive online shopping experience for buying a car online that can even exceed the in-person environment. You can interact with buyers from all over the world and provide an overall experience that can enhance the online buying experience for clients.

The 2020 Guide to Augmented Reality

The 2020 Guide to Augmented Reality

While once a technology considered futuristic, augmented reality now interweaves into our daily lives, elevating experiences and helping us to understand buying choices. Augmented reality has become so widespread both in business and personal use, that by 2025 this sector is expected to hit nearly $200 billion. In 2019, only about 13 percent used augmented reality in some capacity. Now, in the midst of the Covid pandemic, most of us are using a platform or app that offers this technology. What is augmented reality and how do we use it? Here is our Ultimate Guide to Augmented Reality. AUGMENTED REALITY VS. VIRTUAL REALITY Don’t conflate augmented reality with virtual reality. Both technologies are unique and offer different user experiences. Virtual reality technology provides users with an alternative virtual world to create a real-life experience in a digital space. Virtual reality is popular for video games and is used to take the gamer into the world of the game; these virtual video games usually include headsets that the player wears to interact with the gaming realm. Virtual reality also is commonly used to create simulations for employees as training tools. Examples of this include flight simulators used by pilots or even customer service simulations for new retail employees. These simulations are created using special headsets that transport users into a virtual realm where they can interact with virtual characters and navigate through different scenarios. Stores and automotive dealerships have used virtual reality to create interactive shopping experiences that can be accessed remotely. During the pandemic, dealerships and automobile manufacturers provided customers with a virtual showroom that allowed them to view all aspects of a vehicle model. These virtual reality platforms sometimes allowed shoppers to change paint colors or other features, too. Clothing stores may have offered virtual options, too, so shoppers could view products from different angles. While virtual reality transports users into a separate digital space, augmented reality, as defined by Live Science, “is the result of using technology to superimpose information — sounds, images and text — on the world we see.” Augmented reality is used in the gaming world, too, and one of the best examples is Pokemon Go!; this game takes players on a hunt for Pokemon characters by projecting their virtual images into real-life backdrops. The use of augmented reality, though, is most commonly found in the gadgets we rely on daily. ARE VIRTUAL ASSISTANTS AUGMENTED REALITY? Virtual assistants are one of the most prevalent uses of interactive technology. Calling out ‘Hey, Siri…’ will summon the iPhone’s virtual assistant. This simple command might not seem so high-tech, but the capabilities of these assistants illustrate the future complexity of augmented reality. Siri, Google and Alexa now can control our daily activities and, in the case of Alexa, our homes, too. The intelligence of these assistants goes beyond the mundane task of simply calculating a simple math problem or finding a local restaurant. Alexa, Siri and Google, while programmed to search the web and its contents, also hold control over other gadgets in our lives. These virtual assistants can schedule tasks and appointments, remind us of important details and meetings, make calls or send texts, they can dictate notes, but they also can manage the Internet of Things. Our homes were once hardwired with cord and plugs; to turn an appliance or device on or off, we either used a remote control or had to manually make these changes. The Internet of Things (or IoT) has elevated the manual into the digital. Plugs and powerstrips feature a computerized intelligence; electricity may power the lights, HVAC thermostat or coffee maker, but technology links it to our augmented reality assistants. With these smart strips and plugs, Alexa can turn off the lights, adjust the temperature, or even brew the coffee. Alexa, Siri and Google provide convenience in the form of automated technology, but these assistants don’t fit the true definition of augmented reality. However, virtual assistants can represent the future of augmented reality. For example, Amazon has already taken Alexa to the next level with Echo Frames, glasses that can summon Alexa! [] GPS & NAVIGATION DEVICES FEATURE AUGMENTED REALITY Some navigation systems or GPS devices use augmented reality to help drivers better understand their surroundings while driving. Street views may provide a real-life glimpse of the route, while a digital representation of the automobile is shown on the screen in movement. Sygic’s GPS utilizes augmented reality, and the company states “…the AR feature is not only intuitive but it’s also safer than traditional navigation apps. Drivers can rest assured they won’t miss anything crucial on roads or highways, as the real-time camera preview enables them to check conditions on the screen without impacting driving safety.” Many new car models also feature augmented reality built into the navigation system. Smart rear view mirrors utilize cameras to provide drivers with a more precise glimpse of the road—and the vehicles– behind them. These mirrors also may offer an illuminated vantage point in darker road conditions or in poorly lit areas like a parking garage. [] AUGMENTED REALITY FOR THE HOME If you’re in the market to buy new furniture, you might have used an app to preview a paint color or even the look of new furniture. These apps provide shoppers with the technology to try out a design or new look before they make a purchase, and, yes, they are all examples of augmented reality. The Ikea Place app lets shoppers move a new piece of furniture into any space…virtually. Try out a new sofa or desk and see if it complements your living room or bedroom. For shoppers, this feature takes the guesswork out of a new purchase and could perhaps encourage them to try out other accessories, too. Glidden’s Room Visualizer enables homeowners to swipe different shades of paint onto the walls of any room without any commitment. Try out different hues to see which colors best compliment the space and the furniture. Other paint manufacturers and stores offer similar apps and programs. AUGMENTED REALITY FOR MARKETING Companies often use augmented reality to market their products to customers; in fact, this may be a really popular technique to build curiosity and excitement about a new launch. You might have even participated in a few of these unique experiences. Before the second season of the series Stranger Things, Hubspot reported that Netflix used augmented reality to bring viewers into the scenes from the show; Snapchat lenses transported viewers into the Byers’ home…yes, demogorgons were included. Hubspot also reported that AMC used augmented reality in its theaters as a means to encourage guests to check out details on upcoming features. Guests who downloaded the AMC app could snap a photo of a movie poster hanging in the theater to access more information about the movie. Sephora continuously uses augmented reality to help market its products. The Sephora app lets customers try on makeup products virtually. Snap a photo and then see how a new shade of lipstick will look on you! This feature may help Sephora reduce returns, as customers feel confident that a shade complements their complexion. [] AUGMENTED REALITY FOR KIDS Parents could be using augmented reality to keep kids entertained and to elevate experiences. Apps are transforming coloring books and reading, too! Disney’s Coloring Book app integrates traditional coloring fun with interactive elements that turn those two-dimensional images into interactive characters. While kids color the flat images in their coloring books, characters also show up as 3D images on the screen. While Disney’s app takes its coloring pages to another level, Fatherly reports that Holotats takes the temporary tattoo fun to an interactive level. With these tattoos, children can snap a photo and then see them in action…literally. Every design is animated! Kids and adults who sign onto the Wizarding World app (once known as Pottermore), they can participate in a virtual sorting ceremony with the Sorting Hat. The app can access the camera to bring the user into the experience. The My Very Hungry Caterpillar app also uses augmented reality. The cute little caterpillar from the story can be integrated in a child’s world—from the house and into nature! This app lets children immerse into the story and the character’s experiences. Star Walk Kids helps children understand the cosmos. Fatherly highlighted this app, which offers interactive features that help decipher the stars. Just point the phone’s camera up at the sky, and the app will illustrate details and explain the viewpoints. While many kids are engaging in virtual learning during the pandemic, there are many apps that utilize augmented reality that can help engage children in the learning experience. The Seek app helps children (and adults, too!) immerse into nature and biological science. Users snap photos of any plant, animal or bug, and the app will identify the species. This app can be used while hiking or exploring outdoors to help better understand all the life that exists out in nature. AUGMENTED REALITY TO REIMAGINE YOUR LAWN DESIGN If augmented reality can be used to preview new furniture and paint color, why shouldn’t it be used to redesign your backyard? For homeowners who want a new look for their landscape, augmented reality allows them the chance to redesign their surroundings. The app iScape lets homeowners add in different trees, flowers and shrubs. Snap images of your yard and start creating a new design by swapping in new landscape details for a preview of your new lawn. The app also provides planting tips. Apps like iScape are perfect for homeowners who aren’t quite sure what look they want to achieve for their lawn. Augmented reality provides an opportunity to play around with different ideas without commitment. While a certain design idea might sound perfect, a homeowner could see it against the backdrop of their home and decide it just won’t work. AUGMENTED REALITY: SOCIAL MEDIA FILTERS AND TELECONFERENCING The most utilized form of augmented reality—at least right now—might just be teleconferencing. Many businesses continue to operate remotely, and this means most employees are conducting meetings virtually using teleconferencing apps like Zoom. How is the teleconference a form of augmented reality, though? If you’ve changed your backdrop to appear as though you’re on a beach or somewhere else, you’ve stepped into the realm of augmented reality during the conference. These features allow us to take the boring backgrounds of our home offices, living rooms and kitchens and transform them into a tropical paradise or even project a window with a beautiful scenic backdrop. Filters also are one of the ways we commonly use augmented reality in the social media realm. Instagram’s filters allow users to modify their images with dog ears and other fun and cute superimposed details. With these features, users can transform their image into something unique…or even perfect their looks. AUGMENTED REALITY TO PREVIEW PHYSICAL CHANGES The need to perfect or streamline aspects of physical appearance may inspire an individual to contemplate cosmetic surgery. Some look to celebrities for the features they desire, but will Angelina Jolie’s features complement an individual’s own unique face shape? Augmented reality apps also can provide physical previews of cosmetic changes. With certain apps, individuals can change the size of their nose or other facial details to see how cosmetic surgery may alter their appearance. Those who are uncertain about the procedure may use these apps to play around with different looks, too. After all, programs and apps aren’t permanent! Even little changes, though, can be previewed using augmented reality. Ever wonder if you would look good with pink streaks in your hair? Or maybe if you should rock a pixie cut. Big hair changes can instill complete fear to those who are accustomed to their current look…even when they crave something new. The Daily Mail cited a survey from Toni & Guy that about 20 percent of women have “burst into tears after leaving a hairdressing salon.” Bad haircuts are a horror that can take weeks, if not months or years, to fully grow out. Augmented reality apps allow an individual to preview a hair change to see if that look really would work. Finding out via an app that a cut looks more like an ‘80s-inspired mullet than punk princess can stop the tears from flowing by dodging a hair disaster. AUGMENTED REALITY IS…EVERYWHERE! Augmented reality has infiltrated our lives in so many ways. Many of us use some type of augmented reality app every day. If you regularly teleconference using Zoom and alter your background during those meetings, you’ve embraced the world of augmented reality. Many companies also use this technology to elevate marketing by encouraging users to explore their products in a semi-virtual realm. Homeowners can utilize virtual reality apps to preview paint colors, furniture concepts and even add flowers and unique landscape designs to their lawn. For children who are in the midst of virtual learning, augmented reality apps also can enhance the educational experience; Star Walk allows kids to explore the cosmos and Seek helps children identify all the life in nature. While virtual assistants aren’t technically a form of augmented reality, even these platforms are stepping into this realm; Amazon’s Echo Frames are smart glasses that interact with Alexa! Augmented reality surrounds us and enhances the way we see the world, shop and interact…and the future developments of this technology will likely integrate into more of our daily habits. []